Far Swan wins again
Far Swan has yet again being awarded and emerged as the winner of the Qatargas vessel of the Quarter for first quarter of 2020. This is the 2nd achievement, as she received the same award in 2Q of 2019, for this charter.
The vessel is currently chartered to Halul Offshore and providing services to Qatar Gas as end client. She is based in Ras Laffan Port, State of Qatar for the chartered term of the Contract, and operate within RasGas offshore field, from Ras Laffan to the Offshore Installations.
All participating vessel contracted vessels to Qatargas are evaluated and eligible to participate in this initiative. The award recognizes the crews effort primarily on HSSE performance safety with relevant operational parameters.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Capt. Gerry Padodog and all the vessels dedicated crews for their efforts during this difficult environment we find ourselves in, at present. Our appreciation to some of the crew, who had overstayed than their normal ship onboard time, due to relevant COVID 19 travel restriction requirement.
Despite the current challenging situation, we are confident that the Far Swan crew will maintain and resume to stay safety focus and not to let this situation distract them from the vitally important role they are providing to the client, in maintaining our Solstad Values.