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Your future with Solstad starts here.

People_Mark Anthony Flores

Our people drive our success

Our most valuable asset is not our fleet of vessels but the competence of our employees. Qualified and dedicated employees at all levels of the organisation are the reason behind our success and continuing improvement. Safety and the development of our employees’ skills form the basis of all our operations and activities.

See our open positions:

Work in a world wide company

Solstad is a global company with colleagues worldwide, and with offices in eight countries, we promote good collaboration between the departments offshore and onshore as each individual in our organization are equally important.


people working together




Offices world wide

Your opportunity

With a worldwide presence and a range of roles offshore and onshore, Solstad has the scope to help you achieve your career goals. Our diversified positions enable us to offer opportunities that suits all your life situations.

In our company you get a unique opportunity to make a personal impact on your career. We are always looking for candidates – people with previous and relevant experience, as well as candidates interested in enter the shipping industry. Competence and dedication is always our main values

Safe and healthy working environment

We never compromise on safety or health. A safe and healthy working environment is a core value at Solstad. Our top priority is zero incidents and that our employees return from work safely each day. We are deeply committed to take care of the health and wellbeing of each employee.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

The potential for adding value to our shareholders increases when our workplace is based on equality, diversity and inclusion. This is key both on our vessels and in our offices.

Solstad is committed to increase the number of female employees at all levels in the organization, both offshore and onshore.

Young in Solstad

Annually we hire apprentices, cadets and trainees across the world. This gives a unique opportunity for hands-on experience and insight into the life of a seafarer.

Why do we recruit apprentices, cadets and trainees in Solstad? Because we need good qualified seafarers trained by our competent and well experienced officers onboard our own vessels.


Offshore Personnel

Updated 31.01.2024

Goal to reach 10 % by 2030

Onshore Personnel

Updated 31.01.2024

Goal to reach 30 % by 2030

Competitive benefits and reward packages

In Solstad we are committed to provide a reliable and well grounded culture. We truly believe in loyalty and around 90 % of our seafarers are employed in Solstad group. Wherever you are based in the world, we continuously work to ensure the best working conditions and competitive benefits. Our reward packages extend to a variety of opportunities that allow you to grow both professionally and personally.

Get to know the people that work here

International Women’s Day!

Wishing everyone a Happy International Women’s Day!

Today, and every day, we celebrate the incredible women who are part of Solstad, and here are some of them, who inspire us daily.

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2024_International Women’s Day

Get to know the people that work here

Meet Bjørn Hjelvik, the former ship captain that once capsized in 1989

Bjørn ended his career as captain of Normand Sapphire in 2022. However, not many people are aware of the incident that occurred in 1989, when Bjørn and his father were on board the M/S Eiketrål that capsized. In 2022, Bjørn seized the opportunity to witness the shipwreck firsthand with an ROV.

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Get to know the people that work here

Meet Julie Pedersen, Motorman Apprentice on board CSV Normand Samson

Julie grew up in a family of fishermen and developed a passion for all things nautical from spending countless hours out on the open sea. When she was 16 years old, she moved to Stavanger to attend the School Ship Gann, where she discovered different career opportunities in the maritime industry, which led her to start as a motorman apprentice at Solstad.

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Get to know the people that work here

Meet Per Stange, HR director and part-time farmer

When he is not traveling to meet Solstad Offshore’s crewing teams all around the world, Per Stange and his wife spend most of their time at their farm in Bømlo.

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Stange, Per

Get to know the people that work here

Karanba – A story of success

Karanba is a social project in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that has football as an instrument to help children and young people from slum areas to achieve personal development and education.

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Get to know the people that work here

Olaug Hillesland

Olaug from Norway started her career in Solstad Offshore in 2009 and holds the role as Administration and Communication Director in our Skudeneshavn office.

Read more about her perspective of diversity in the maritime industry and encourage to #BreakTheBias.

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Olaug Hillesland-2

Get to know the people that work here

Ana Maria Alegria Lind

Ana Maria started her career in Solstad Offshore in 2013 as a 2. Officer onboard the PSV, Far Searcher.

Read more about why she strongly recommends starting a career offshore and how she #BreakTheBias.

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Get to know the people that work here

Kostiantyn Terekhov

Kostiantyn from Ukraine started his career in Solstad Offshore in 2013 as a Technical Superintendent in our Singapore office. One year later he was promoted to Technical Manager.

Read more about why he strongly recommends working for a multicultural company.

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Get to know the people that work here

From apprentice to Vessel Manager

Alexander started his career in Solstad as AB apprentice in 2004 and has recently joined our team in Ålesund as Vessel Manager. Read more about his journey in Solstad below.

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Alexander Aaramnes

Get to know the people that work here

Jill Florence

Jill started her career with us in the end of 2020 as a Commercial Officer located out of our Aberdeen officer. In the interview she share more about her road to Solstad and her experience working in male orientated industries.

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Jill Florence

Get to know the people that work here

Rikke Moe Grav

Rikke started her career with us as a cadet in 2017 and has since then become 3. engineer and are currently located onboard Normand Falnes. Read more about her experience onboard one of our PSVs.

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Rikke Moe Grav

Get to know the people that work here

Lyrah Veona L. Maxwell

Lyrah started her career with us as a HSEQ Environmental Assistant and today she is a Sustainability Assistant. Read more about her perspective on sustainability in Solstad and how this make the company even more resilient.

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Lyrah Tree planting

Get to know the people that work here

Rodrigo Fabireza dos Santos Melo

Rodrigo started his maritime career with us as a Deck cadet and today he is Captain onboard the anchor handler Far Sagaris. Read more about his perspective on the diversity in Solstad and how this further strengthen the company.

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Rodrigo Fabireza dos Santos Melo

Get to know the people that work here

Daryl Sevilleno Enriquez

Daryl from the Philippines started her maritime career in Solstad Offshore as the first Filipino female Officer. At 29 years old she grabbed the opportunity to work full time onshore and took on the dual role of Office Manager and HSEQ System Manager. Read more about why she strongly recommends women to start a career in Solstad.

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In ROV Hangar – Sentinel

Get to know the people that work here

Kjetil Vatland Olsen

Kjetil recently started in the position as Environmental Engineer. During his career in Solstad he has held several roles in the company – and experienced that the career opportunities are very good both onshore and offshore.

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Get to know the people that work here

Kjell Engdal

Kjell Engdal are the Chief Engineer on board Normand Installer currently located outside of Sao Luis in Brazil assisting with the salvage of the sunken bulk carrier Stellar Banner.
Read more about how it is to work as a Chief Engineer on board a construction vessel in Solstad.

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installer 001

Get to know the people that work here

Rushell M. Bucol

Rushell is the little brother of in total 12 siblings and were raised by his grandparents in the costal area in Mindanao, Philippines. His story started with Solstad when he meet 3rd Engineer Ian H. Tumulak at a training center. Read more about how it is to work as a Bosun Crane Operator in Solstad.

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Get to know the people that work here

Pavel Skutarenko

To start og the interview I want to highlight that I have worked as a Bosun and able seaman in several companies. There opportunities gave me the essential experience in the shipping industry.

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