Mandatory notification of trade
Reference is made to the announcement published by Solstad Offshore ASA (the “Company”) on 29 May 2024 regarding the offering of shares (the “Offering”) in Solstad Maritime Holding AS (“SMH”).
AMSC ASA has today purchased 3,500,000 subscription rights in the Offering at a price of NOK 9.10 per subscription right.
Following the transaction, AMSC ASA owns a total of 5,840,232 subscription rights to shares in SMH. AMSC also owns 84,602,369 shares in SMH. The shares in SMH are linked to Company’s shares, cf. the Market Abuse Regulation article 19.
AMSC ASA is a person closely associated with Company board member Frank Ove Reite. Frank Ove Reite also owns 356,509 shares in the Company, through Fausken Invest AS.
Please see attached primary insider notification form pursuant to the requirements of the Market Abuse Regulation article 19. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.