
Presentation of the 3rd quarter results 2018

Solstad Offshore ASA (SOFF) welcomes to presentation of its 3rd quarter 2018 results, Wednesday November 7th 2018 at 09:00 am. The presentation will be held by Lars Peder Solstad and Anders Hall Jomaas.

The presentation will take place at Rederiforbundet, Rådhusgt. 25, 7th floor, Oslo.

For the sake of good order we inform that the 3rd quarter results for 2018 will be published Tuesday evening November 6th, 2018.

Registration to liv.karina.dosen@solstad.com

Skudeneshavn, November 5th, 2018

Solstad Offshore ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)