Rushell M. Bucol
Rushell is the little brother of in total 12 siblings and were raised by his grandparents in the costal area in Mindanao, Philippines. His story started with Solstad when he meet 3rd Engineer Ian H. Tumulak at a training center. Read more about how it is to work as a Bosun Crane Operator in Solstad.
Title: Bosun | Crane
Joined Solstad: 2017
Country: Philippines
What is your background?
I was born in the family of 12 siblings and the youngest. Never had the chance to meet my mother as she passed during birth. Raised by my grandparents in a coastal area in Mindanao as fishermen and landowners where my interest in seafaring started.
From small home town I went to the city to study Maritime course to fulfill my dreams. I enrolled under a Scholarship Program at the school for my skill and ability. I endure all the hardships in Maritime School as self-supporting scholar student with a primary goal to graduate. Graduated a maritime course Associate in Marine Engineering and was undergraduate of a second course of BSMT. My experiences in life developed my personality to become more flexible, goal oriented, and motivated.
My experiences from other company helped me develop my leadership, skills and to build trust and confidence in the performance of my duties and responsibilities. As a Senior Crane operator, I was in-charge of the critical lift or non-routine lifting operation. I was also assigned of launching the Marine Aluminum Gangway for disconnection /connection to Installation. Aside on that, I was maintaining the equipment and accessories in good condition.
When and how did your story with Solstad start?
My story started in Solstad when i met 3rd Engieer Ian H. Tumulak at the training center. He was the one who introduced me to work Solstad offshore four years ago. He told me that the company were looking for a Crane Operator. Shortly I applied to the position and were given the opportunity to start an work for Solstad.
First assignment was at Nor Valiant as A/B crane operator in the North sea before transferred over to Normand Baltic as a Bosun Crane Operator.
How do you perceive career opportunities in the company?
The reason why I decided to perceive a future in Solstad was their strong reputation in maritime industry that they provide long term employment and creates more overseas job opportunities. Solstad also encourages, supports, protects the environment and seafarer’s rights, and promotes their welfare as primary maritime economic force.
What do you want to be highlight from your current position?
As a Bosun Crane Operator for the past years, each Contract demands different applications of ability and skills with experience. What sets me apart from the rest, is my mixed application of life experiences, knowledge, skills and training that are applied in working on different conditions.
Best experience I want to highlight is that I am part of the most critical operation, both sub-sea and surface operation in the relocation of the PFLNG SATU working with Normand Baltic in Malaysia. We completed the operation with no LTA (lost time accident) and no LTI (lost time incident). That is the first FLNG relocation in the world history and I’m proud to be part of it.
In Solstad, we now have 49 nationalities and encourage diversity. Can you relate to a situation where diversity has improved the results of your daily work?
Shifting hours and dealing with different people of different nationalities during working time is sometimes critical. But the idea where the diversity is applied has better results because each individual is unique. Recognizing each individual differences to work in safe manner works excellently, for each person has its own best idea. Combined together, results best operation in work place.
Would you recommend young people to start a career in Solstad?
We both know that we are all came from scratch worker, which means from nothing, no knowledge and no experience. I highly recommend young people to start career in the company. The younger persons we trained for the best working environment will be best product soon in the future as they are trained well.