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Solstad Offshore expands vessel fleet with ROVs

26th January 2024 – Shipowner Solstad Offshore expands its fleet offering by equipping six more of the company’s subsea construction vessels with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

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2023.12_Omega Subsea ROV-testing Kystdesign 19.12.2023_20122023_426 liten


Solships 2023 – 57th edition

57th edition of the internal magazine of Solstad with stories from 2023.

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Screenshot 2024-01-08 101732


USV AS orders first unmanned surface vessel

USV AS has contracted Astilleros Gondán shipyard to build an unmanned surface vessel (USV), capable of significantly reducing emissions and operating expenses compared to conventional vessels utilised for subsea inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) work.

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Barcópolis Award Ceremony 2022

Last week, Solstad achieved awards for best Chartering Company in the RSV segment and AHTS-ROV segment in Petrobras Barcópolis Ceremony.

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Solstad is Årets Maritime Lærebedrift 2022

We are honored to win the prize as Årets Maritime Lærebedrift 2022 (Maritime Training Company of 2022) as awarded by Stiftelsen Norsk Maritim Kompetanse!

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Normand Leader saves 29% fuel on a long transit

This week Normand Leader with Captain Arnt Olav Skarstein received an award for their impressive fuel savings during transit from Australia.

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Transit australia


Solships 2022 – 56th edition

Today we released the 56th edition of the internal magazine of Solstad with stories from 2022.

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Get to know the people that work here

Karanba – A story of success

Karanba is a social project in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that has football as an instrument to help children and young people from slum areas to achieve personal development and education.

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Pareto Securities’ 29th annual Energy Conference

September 14th and 15th Pareto Securities hold their 29th annual Energy Conference with more than 2000 investors attending physically in Oslo, Norway.

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10 Women to Watch in Shipping 2022

This week YoungShip accompanied with WISTA and Nor-Shipping announced, “10 Women to Watch in Shipping 2022”. Companies in the maritime industry was given the opportunity to recommend women from their organization that has stood out and shown good leadership. Out of the ten names a well-known name to us in Solstad was announced, Daryl Sevilleno Enriquez.

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Daryl S. E.